Aκαδημαϊκό έτος 2005-06

Τo σεμινάριο Αλγορίθμων οργανώνεται από τον Τομέα Θεωρητικής Πληροφορικής και παρουσιάζει ερευνητικές δραστηριότητες στην περιοχή του σχεδιασμού και ανάλυσης αλγορίθμων και άλλων σχετικών θεματων. Μπορείτε να δείτε το πρόγραμμα των ετών 03-04 και 04-05. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες απευθυνθείτε στον Aναπλ. Καθηγητή Γιάννη Eμίρη.

Oι ομιλίες δίνονται (πλην εξαιρέσεων) στην Αίθουσα Τηλεσυσκέψεων, 2os όροφος, Kέντρο Δικτύων, στο Tμήμα Πληροφορικής & Tηλεπικοινωνιών, oπότε και μεταδίδονται σε πραγματικό χρόνο στο διαδίκτυο. Για οδηγίες σύγχρονης παρακολούθησης και παρακολούθησης των αποθηκευμένων video, δείτε http://lessons.di.uoa.gr/mediacenter.php.  Φυσική πρόσβαση: με λεωφορείο ή μετρό-λεωφορείο.


σε αντίστρoφη χρονολογική σειρά

(σε κίτρινο η αμέσως προσεχής ομιλία)

Πα 14 Ιουλίου
***Aίθουσα Δ' ***
Aγγελος Κιαγιάς
(U. Connecticut)
Mathematics of Internet Security (περίληψη)
Τε 12 Απριλίου
3.00 μμ
David Pearce
(Computation Science and Artificial Intelligence, Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid)
A Logic for Reasoning about Well-Founded Semantics (abstract and CV)
Τε 22 Φεβρουαρίου 
1.00 μμ
Βαγγέλης Μαρκάκης (U Toronto)
Computational Aspects of Game Theory and Microeconomics (περίληψη)
Πα 17 Φεβρουαρίου 11.00
***Aίθουσα Συνεδρ. Iσoγείου***
Alexandros Kalousis (U Geneva)
A Unifying Framework for Relational Distance Based Learning Over the Relational Algebra Formalism (περίληψη)
Τε 15 Φεβρουαρίου, 
Luca Beccheti 
(U "La Sapienza") 
Latency Constrained Aggregation in Sensor Networks (περίληψη) (video.rm)
Πα 13 Ιανουαρίου, 1.00μμ 
***Aίθουσα Δ***
Κώστας Δασκαλάκης (UC Berkeley) 
The Complexity of Nash Equilibria (περίληψη)
Τε 21 Δεκεμβρίου, 
3.00μμ (ακριβώς)
Σεραφείμ Μπατζόγλου 
(Stanford U.)
The role of Computation in Genetics today (περίληψη) (διαφάνειες) (video.rm)
Τε 7 Δεκεμβρίου, 
***Aίθουσα Δ***
Σειρά 2 ομιλιών: Παράλληλα ρομπότ, αριθμητική διαστημάτων και βελτιστοποίηση Πρόγραμμα + Ομιλίες
Πα 25 Noεμβρίου, 12.00
Eυριπίδης Μάρκου (ΕΚΠΑ)
Αναζήτηση μαύρης τρύπας σε (ημι-)συγχρονισμένα δίκτυα (περίληψη) (video.rm)


Πα 14 Ιουλίου,12.00 ***Aίθουσα Δ' ***
Άγγελος Κιαγιάς (U. Connecticut)
Mathematics of Internet Security

This talk will present some of the mathematics behind the asymmetric cryptographic techniques that are used to provide secure communications over the Internet.  Number theory, probability, combinatorics and computational complexity are all beautifully glued together to solve the paradox of creating a secure channel using only insecure network communication. Key-exchange, discovered over 30 years ago, remains today still one of the major research subjects in cryptography and many aspects of it are far from being understood.  The talk will assume only basic background on analysis of algorithms, probability and discrete mathematics.

Τε 12 Απριλίου, 3.00 μμ
David Pearce (Rey Juan Carlos University)
A Logic for Reasoning about Well-Founded Semantics
(joint work with Pedro Cabalar & Sergei Odintsov)

Of the various proposals for dealing with default negation in logic programming that go beyond the methods of ordinary Prolog, the Well-Founded Semantics (WFS) of Van Gelder, Ross and Schlipf (1991) has proved to be one of the most attractive and resilient. Particularly its favourable computational properties have made it popular among system developers and the well-known implementation XSB-Prolog is now extensively used in AI problem solving and applications in knowledge representation and reasoning. This talk discusses the logical foundations of WFS and proposes a solution to a long-standing open problem: how to characterise partial stable and well-founded models as minimal models in a suitable nonclassical, non-modal logic. We thereby obtain a deductive base logic  for well-founded inference as well as a means to extend WFS to disjunctive programs and arbitrary propositional theories. A major challenge is to axiomatise the base logic.
David Pearce obtained his D Phil degree (1980) from the University of Sussex (UK) and his Habilitation (1986) from the Free University of Berlin (Germany). He has been a Lecturer at the FU Berlin and an Acting Professor at the universities of Goettingen and Heidelberg. From 1994-2000 he was Senior Researcher at the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI, Saarbruecken) where he coordinated the European Network of Excellence in Computational Logic. From 2000-2002 he was Scientific Officer at the European Commission (DG Information Society: Future and Emerging Technologies). He was formerly a Heisenberg Research Fellow of the German Research Council, DFG, and is currently a Ram?n y Cajal Research Fellow of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, working at the  Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid. He has published 2 monographs and around 80 research papers.
His current interests are in Logic and its applications to Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science, but he has also written extensively in the areas of Philosophy of Science and Technology.

Tε 22 Φεβρουαρίου, 1.00 μμ
Βαγγέλης Μαρκάκης (U Toronto)
Computational Aspects of Game Theory and Microeconomics

Game theory and economics provide a mathematical framework for analyzing interactions among self-interested agents. However, the outcomes proposed by the economic theory often involve optimization problems with no known efficient algorithms.

In this talk we will study the computational complexity of various economic solution concepts. The first part of the talk will focus on the problem of allocating a set of indivisible goods to a set of agents, who express preferences over combinations of items through their utility functions. Several objective functions have been considered
in the economic literature in different contexts. In fair division theory, a desirable outcome is to produce an allocation that minimizes the envy between the agents or achieves additional fairness criteria. In the context of auctions, an alternative goal is to maximize the social welfare, i.e., the total utility derived by the agents. We provide new approximation algorithms as well as hardness results for these objectives, for various types of utility functions. The second part will focus on computing or
approximating equilibrium concepts in games. I will present a result on approximating Nash equilibria (outcomes from which no player has an incentive to deviate) in noncooperative games.

Parts of this talk represent joint work with Richard Lipton, Amin Saberi, Aranyak Mehta, Subhash Khot and Elchanan Mossel.

Πα 17 Φεβρουαρίου, 11.00
Alexandros Kalousis (U Geneva)
A Unifying Framework for Relational Distance Based Learning Over the Relational Algebra Formalism

We will present a general framework based on concepts of relational algebra for distance based learning over relational schemata. The advantage of the proposed framework is that it requires no transformation of the representation of data that come in the form of relational databases. It is directly applicable to any relational database without the need of type and mode definitions and conversions to logic programming as it is the case with most relational learning systems based on Inductive Logic Programming.

Our framework builds on the notions of tuples of relations and sets of tuples. We show how exploiting these elementary building blocks our learning examples are represented via tree like structures. In order to define distances between relational examples we will explore two avenues. Both of them are based on the definition of simple operators on tuples and sets of tuples which are subsequently combined in order to provide a global operator on the full relational structure. The first approach is based on the use of classical distances over tuples and sets of tuples and the second one on the definition of kernels.

The user of the system has at his disposal a number of possible distance operators from which he can choose, or alternatively, to what amounts to "model selection", can let the system perform the selection automatically.  Some results on well known relational datasets will be presented.

Tε 15 Φεβρουαρίου. 12.00
Luca Beccheti (U. "La Sapienza")
Latency Constrained Aggregation in Sensor Networks

In this paper we study the problem of data aggregation in a sensor network. Data aggregation is a technique that consists in aggregating redundant or correlated data in order to reduce the overall size of sent data, thus decreasing the network traffic and energy consumption. The framework we consider gives rise to a rich variety of interesting optimization problems. For some first results, we concentrate on sensor networks in which a routing tree connecting sensor nodes to the sink has been previously constructed and we assume that data collected at sensors have to reach the base station within a given deadline.

We give results for both the off-line and the on-line problem, in the latter case also considering centralized vs distributed algorithms.

Πα 13 Ιανουαρίου, 1.00μμ
Κωνσταντίνος Δασκαλάκης (UC Berkeley)
The Complexity of Nash Equilibria

In 1951, Nash showed that every game has a mixed Nash equilibrium. His proof is a reduction to Brouwer's fixpoint theorem and places the problem of finding equilibria into the realm of 'exponential existence proofs'. In fact, whether Nash equilibria can be computed in polynomial time has remained open since that time, and has come under increased scrutiny during the past two decades. In this talk, I will present some recent results (joint work with Paul Goldberg and Christos Papadimitriou) that shed light to this problem, in the negative direction.

Τε 20 Δεκεμβρίου, 3.00μμ (ακριβώς)
Σεραφείμ Μπατζόγλου (Stanford U.)
The role of Computation in Genetics today

Biologists in the 20th described the basic molecular processes governing life: (1) the "genetic dogma", describing how information in DNA is expressed into function within each cell; and (2) "evolution", describing how random changes in genetic information lead to adaptation of a variety of species. Today, biology is changing rapidly from a descriptive science, to a quantitative, information science. This change is driven by new technologies that enable high-throughput generation of biomolecular data. For example, we can now decipher the exact sequence of letters in our DNA; also, we can measure the activity of all genes in a cell with a single, inexpensive measurement.

As a result, computation has taken a central role in molecular biology. Both the collection and the analysis of high-throughput biological data require the use of sophisticated algorithms and software. In this talk, I will follow the genetic dogma, "DNA -> gene transcript -> protein -> cell" and show examples of the role of computation in quantifying each of these steps: sequencing of DNA, prediction of gene transcripts, comparison of proteins, and analysis of protein interactions that govern the functions of a cell. I will also show examples of comparative genomics, where we study how evolution works at the molecular level by comparing biological data from many organisms, and more importantly how we can use these comparisons to increase signal-to-noise ratio in our data and to better understand the biology of a given organism.

Τε 7 Δεκεμβρίου, 2.00-3.30μμ
Σειρά ομιλιών "Παράλληλα ρομπότ, αριθμητική διαστημάτων και βελτιστοποίηση" στα πλαίσια προγράμματος ΠΛΑΤΩΝ.

2.15μμ, D. Daney (INRIA): Parallel robots, introduction and basic problems. Introduction to Interval Arithmetic
3.15μμ, Y. Lebbah (Oran, Aλγερία): Solving Rigorously Equations and Optimization Problems

D. Daney: Parallel robots: Introduction and basic problems: After presenting the importance of the parallel manipulators for applications, we propose to check some basic problems associated with this robot architecture, namely: kinematics (inverse / Forward), workspace analysis, singularities, design, and calibration. For each, we underline the different techniques (numeric or algebraic) used and the open problems.
Introduction to Interval Arithmetic: Interval arithmetic denotes a large collection of techniques and methods based on interval representation of real numbers and on interval arithmetic, which produce numerically guaranteed results. Approximating a set of numbers in such a framework gives an inner and an outer approximation of this set, as precise as desired.

Y. Lebbah: Solving Rigorously Equations and Optimization Problems (ps.gz)
Interval methods have shown their ability to locate and prove the existence of solutions and global optima in a safe and rigorous way. Unfortunately, these methods are rather slow. Efficient solvers for system-solving and optimization problems are based on linear relaxations. However, the latter are unsafe, and thus may overestimate, or worst, underestimate the very global minima. We introduce an efficient and safe framework to rigorously bound the global optima as well as its location. Our framework uses consistency techniques to speed up the initial convergence of the interval narrowing algorithms. A lower bound is computed on a linear relaxation of the constraint system and the objective function. All these computations are based on a rigorous implementation of linear programming techniques with Cplex and Coin-Clp linear programming solvers in our solver iCOs.

Πα 25 Noεμβρίου, 12.00.
Eυριπίδης Μάρκου (ΕΚΠΑ)
Αναζήτηση μαύρης τρύπας σε (ημι-)συγχρονισμένα δίκτυα
Searching for a black hole in (semi-)synchronous networks

We study how to explore efficiently an insecure network, namely a network that may contain a hostile node called black hole introduced by S. Dobrev, P. Flocchini, G. Prencipe, and N. Santoro (2001).

A black hole is a highly harmful stationary process residing in a node of a network
and destroying all mobile agents visiting the node, without leaving any trace. We consider the task of locating a black hole in a (partially) synchronous network,
assuming an upper bound on the time of any edge traversal by an agent. The minimum number of agents capable to identify a black hole is two. For a given graph and given starting node we are interested in the fastest possible black hole search by two agents.

For arbitrary trees, a 5/3 approximation algorithm has been given by J. Czyzowicz, D. Kowalski, E. Markou, and A. Pelc, while optimal algorithms have been given for special classes of trees (2004). R. Klasing, E. Markou, T. Radzik, and F. Sarracco proved that the problem is NP-hard (even in planar graphs) and gave a 27/8 approximation algorithm for arbitrary graphs (2005).

A variation of the problem where there is a subset of nodes known to be safe, had been also proved NP-hard by J. Czyzowicz, D. Kowalski, E. Markou, and A. Pelc, while they gave a 9.3 approximation algorithm (2004). Finally R. Klasing, E. Markou, T. Radzik, and F. Sarracco improved this approximation ratio to 6 and they showed that both versions of the problem are APX-hard (2005).